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Konferensbidrag (sida 9 av 15)
- Sæther, E. (2012). "Music in European Classrooms. A comparison of two lessons from Sweden and Germany.".
- Ahlberg, A. & Sonesson, A. (2011). Doctoral learning and supervision.
- Bergström, M. & Roxå, T. (2011). Lärares upplevelser av kursvärderingar.
- Borell, J., Irhammar, M. & Larson, L. (2011). Att arbeta med obligatoriska frågor i kursvärdering och kursutvärdering. I Irhammar, M., Amnér, G. & Adell, H. (Red.) Proceedings - Lunds Universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens: Motivation, kreativitet och lärande (pp. 73-75). Lund University.
- Brodin, E. & Frick, L. (2011). The Relationship between Critical and Creative Thinking : A Theoretical Framework for Postgraduate Educational Practice.
- Haake, M., Silvervarg, A., Sjödén, B., Pareto, L. & Gulz, A. (2011). Pedagogical agents: Pedagogical interventions via integration of task-oriented and socially oriented conversation. [Host publication title missing]. AERA – American Ecucator Research Association – Annual Meeting 2011.
- Holmberg, R., Larsson, M. & Svensson, P. (2011). Measuring and organizing: The employee survey as a performative device.
- Johansson, R. (2011). Labor clashes in Sweden : The bomb at Amalthea 1908, the General strike in 1909 and the military shootings in 1931.
- Larsson, M., Holmberg, R. & Svensson, P. (2011). Managing the employee survey: Leadership as negotiation of complexity or The art of leading in the cage.
- Larsson, M., Olsson, T. & Anderberg, E. (2011). Researching the change in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through portfolios and conference contributions: An institutional reflection.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2011). Bedömning av examensmål i forskarutbildningen.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2011). Learning Outcomes in Doctoral Education – Achieved and Assessed?.
- Ossiannilsson, E. (2011). Benchmarking e-learning in higher education and beyond. Proceedings, ICDE. ICDE.
- Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2011). Quality improvement of the use of OER in higher education - challenges and consequences. I EADTU, E. (Red.) [Host publication title missing]. EADTU.
- Ossiannilsson, E. & Landgren, L. (2011). Kvalitetsområden för gränslöst lärande.Erfarenheter från tre benchmarkingprojekt rörande e-lärande vid Lunds universitet. NU2010, 1-11. NU2010.
- Ossiannilsson, E., Forsberg, ?., Landgren, L. & Ljungkvist, M. (2011). Behövs en samlad strategi för e-lärande vid Lunds universitet?.
- Persson, A. (2011). Why Erving Goffman Never Made it into the Swedish Textbooks (abstract).
- Persson, A. (2011). Why Goffman Never Made it into the Swedish Textbooks (paper).
- Sonesson, A. & Ahlberg, A. (2011). Scholarship of teaching and learning at the highest level? Experiences from a study program for doctoral supervisors.
- Sæther, E. (2011). "Att lära om - eller lära med? Musikutbildningens och musikens förhållande till identitet och makt i det mångkulturella samhället". Keynote.
- Sæther, E. (2011). "Intercultural creativity: Using cultural meetings as a prompting force for creative learning and change." Invited presentation.
- Ahlberg, A., Alveteg, M. & Sonesson, A. (2010). Student learning in the lab – routine demo or quality time?. Proceeding of the joint International IGIP-SEFI Annnual Conference 201, 511-512. European Association of Engineering Education.
- Brokop, S., Mårtensson, K. & Horneij, E. (2010). Using ’critical friends’ as a strategy to enhance teaching and learning within an educational program.
- Comba, V., Ossiannilsson, E., Landgren, L., Blok, R., Martins Ferreira, J. M., Kjaer, C. & Christensen, I.-M. (2010). A Benchmarking Exercise for Quality Blended Learning. A Challenge for European Universities in the 21st Century. [Host publication title missing]. EADTU.
- Holmberg, R., Larsson, M. & Svensson, P. (2010). Leadership skills and the use of conceptual models.