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Artiklar (sida 3 av 9)
- Simper, N., Maynard, N. & Mårtensson, K. (2022). Informal academic networks and the value of significant social interactions in supporting quality assessment practices. Higher Education Research and Development, 41, 1277-1293. Taylor & Francis.
- Simper, N., Mårtensson, K., Berry, A. & Maynard, N. (2022). Assessment cultures in higher education : reducing barriers and enabling change. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 47, 1016-1029. Taylor & Francis.
- Wao, H., Oduor Otendo, C., Syonguvi, J., Muriithi, P., Kadengye, D. & Brodin, E. (2022). Encouraging social innovation for combating poverty : Master's students’ gendered experiences with a service-learning intervention in Kenya and Uganda. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 13, 171-187. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Blennow, K. (2021). Förnuft och känsla : Om emotioners roll i kunskapsprocessen i samhällskunskap. Nordidactica, 2021, 1-19. CSD Karlstad.
- Brodin, E., Bergqvist Rydén, J., Ljungqvist, M. & Sonesson, A. (2021). Historical images of teachers and their underlying ideologies in Swedish academia : Multimodal discourses from 1950 and 1980. Linguistics and Education, 63. Elsevier.
- Brännström, J., Rudner, M., Carlie, J., Sahlén, B., Gulz, A., Andersson, K. & Johansson, R. (2021). Listening effort and fatigue in native and non-native primary school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210. Elsevier.
- Carlie, J., Sahlén, B., Nirme, J., Andersson, K., Rudner, M., Johansson, R., Gulz, A. & Brännström, J. (2021). Development of an Auditory Passage Comprehension Task for Swedish Primary School Children of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Dorner, H. & Mårtensson, K. (2021). Catalysing pedagogical change in the university ecosystem : Exploring ‘big ideas’ that drive faculty development. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 11, 225-229.
- Jers, C. O. & Lindberg-Sand, ?. (2021). Det första decenniet med tidskriften högre utbildning. Hogre Utbildning, 11, 119-121. Swednet.
- Loughlin, C., Lygo-Baker, S. & Lindberg-Sand, ?. (2021). Reclaiming constructive alignment. European Journal of Higher Education, 11, 119-136. Taylor & Francis.
- Lundqvist, J. M., Svensson, K., Ljung, K., Eriksson, U. & Eriksson, M. (2021). A Phenomenographic Analysis Of Students’ Experience Of Geological Time. Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE), 8, 1-26. Clute Institute for Academic Research.
- Malmström, M. (2021). Kameralisterna : Kreativt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskämne. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 50 (2020), 45-54. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- McIntyre, J. & Neuhaus, S. (2021). Theorising policy and practice in refugee education : Conceptualising ‘safety’, ‘belonging’, ‘success’ and ‘participatory parity’ in England and Sweden. British Educational Research Journal, 47, 796-816. Routledge.
- Mårtensson, K. & Roxå, T. (2021). Academic developers developing : aspects of an expanding lifeworld. International Journal for Academic Development, 26, 405-417. Taylor & Francis.
- Mårtensson, K. & Schrum, K. (2021). Editors' introduction : Exciting changes ahead!. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 9. Indiana University Press.
- Mårtensson, K. & Schrum, K. (2021). Milestone in the life of a journal. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 9, 1-2. Indiana University Press.
- Nästesjö, J. (2021). Navigating Uncertainty : Early Career Academics and Practices of Appraisal Devices. Minerva, 59, 237-259. Springer.
- RIETZ, L., JÖNSSON, A. & LUNDSTRÖM, M. (2021). Students' use of justifications in socioscientific argumentation. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 17, 247-264. University of Oslo.
- Teke, H. (2021). Making ethics teaching more effective with a three step model. International Journal of Ethics Education, 6, 149-162. Springer.
- Brodin, E. & Avery, H. (2020). Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence in Multidisciplinary Learning Environments at Doctoral Level and Beyond. Minerva, 58, 409-433. Springer.
- Chick, N. L. & Mårtensson, K. (2020). What does it mean to be an ‘international’ journal? : What is submitted to TLI is what shapes TLI. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 8, 1-3. Indiana University Press.
- Chng, H. H., Leibowitz, B. & Mårtensson, K. (2020). Leading change from different shores : The challenges of contextualizing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 8, 24-41. Indiana University Press.
- Frick, L. & Brodin, E. (2020). A return to Wonderland : Exploring the links between academic identity development and creativity during doctoral education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 57, 209-219. Routledge.
- Larsson, M., Mårtensson, K., Price, L. & Roxå, T. (2020). Constructive friction? : Charting the relation between educational research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 8, 61-75. Indiana University Press.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Schnaas, U. (2020). Ledare till Högre utbildning nr 1 2020. Hogre Utbildning, 10, 121-123. Swednet.