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Artiklar (sida 1 av 9)
- Borch, I., Sandvoll, R. & Roxå, T. (2024). Academic developers’ roles and responsibilities in strengthening student evaluation of teaching for educational enhancement. Higher Education Research and Development, 43, 1040-1054. Taylor & Francis.
- Bosseldal, I. (2024). Traces in the History of Swedish Transnational Adoption—A Diffractive Mapping through the Voices of Adoptees and Their Parents. Genealogy, 8. MDPI AG.
- Bosseldal, I., Blennow, K. & Malmström, M. (2024). Who can I be now? The complexity of students in policy enactment. Journal of Education Policy, 1-21. Taylor & Francis.
- Elmgren, M., Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2024). Evaluation Practices of Doctoral Examination Committees : Boundary-Work Under Pressure. Minerva, 62, 427-456. Springer.
- Førland, O. & Roxå, T. (2024). Establishing reward systems for excellence in teaching–the experience of academics pioneering a reward system. European Journal of Higher Education, 14, 451-469. Taylor & Francis.
- Haley, A., Holmqvist, M. & Johansson, K. (2024). Supervisors’ competences from doctoral students’ perspectives–a systematic review. Educational Review. Taylor & Francis.
- Hamnell -Pamment, Y. (2024). The Role of Scientific Language Use and Achievement Level in Student Sensemaking. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 22, 737-763. Springer.
- Hamnell-Pamment, Y. (2024). Making sense of chemical equilibrium : productive teacher-student dialogues as a balancing act between sensemaking and managing tension. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 25, 171-192. Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Holmqvist, M. & Lantz Ekström, M. (2024). A systematic review of research on educational superintendents. Cogent Education, 11. Taylor & Francis.
- Levinsson, H., Nilsson, A., Mårtensson, K. & Persson, S. (2024). Course design as a stronger predictor of student evaluation of quality and student engagement than teacher ratings. Higher Education, 88, 1997-2013. Springer.
- Mårtensson, K. & Schrum, K. (2024). Between Saga and Enterprise : Anchoring Backwards and Striving Forwards. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 12. Indiana University Press.
- Nästesjö, J. (2024). Between Delivery and Luck : Projectification of Academic Careers and Conflicting Notions of Worth at the Postdoc Level. Minerva, 1-24. Springer.
- Persson, H. (2024). The historical past och the practical past : Om ett utvecklat lärande i historia på gymnasie-och högskolenivå. Nordidactica, 14, 128-150. CSD Karlstad.
- Soomere, T., Karm, M. & Roxå, T. (2024). PhD Students’ Transformative Change in Teaching : A Comparative Case Study. Journal of Transformative Education, 22, 324-344. SAGE Publications.
- Bergqvist Rydén, J. (2023). Pedagogiska dilemman vid anonymiserad examination och bedömning. Högre utbildning, 13, 87-96. Swednet.
- Blennow, K. & Olson, M. (2023). Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school : Limitations and openings. Acta Didactica Norden, 17. Universitetet i Oslo.
- Blennow, K., Bosseldal, I. & Malmström, M. (2023). Parallel lines – tensions in teachers’ enactment of the vision of a newly established school in Sweden. Teachers and Teaching - theory and practice, 29, 946-963. Taylor & Francis.
- Blennow, K., Malmström, M. & Petroelje Stolle, E. (2023). Countering Discourses of Derision : Moving towards Action in Teacher Education in the USA and Sweden. Education Sciences, 13, 1-15. MDPI AG.
- Brodin, E. (2023). Det stora behovet av pedagogisk forskning i högre utbildning. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 28, 187-195. Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs universitet.
- Brodin, E. (2023). Pandemic mutilated pedagogy : Teaching "in there" without my hearing body. Högre utbildning, 13, 5-12. Swednet.
- Brännström, J., Rudner, M., Carlie, J., Andersson, K., Johansson, R., Gulz, A. & Sahlén, B. (2023). The Influence of Language Background on Dichotic Listening in Primary School Children. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 8, 298-307.
- Hamnell-Pamment, Y. (2023). Scientific language use and sensemaking in concept maps : Interaction between concept systems, scientific concepts and everyday concepts. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 15, 448-467. University of Hong Kong.
- Holmgren, P. & Svensson, P. (2023). Avskaffa den tredje uppgiften. Universitetsläraren, 2023. Stockholm : Sveriges universitetslärarförbund (SULF).
- Johansson, R., Ristilammi, P. M. & Tolvhed, H. (2023). Zlatan Ibrahimović : a monument and a mirror of his time. Soccer and Society, 24, 333-349. Taylor & Francis.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. (2023). Högskolepedagogisk utveckling och forskning : Gränsarbete kring ett kunskapsområde i universitetets hjärta. En kommentar till Wide samt Scheja och Bolander Laksov. Högre utbildning, 13, 40-57. Swednet.