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Konferensbidrag (sida 3 av 15)
- Hult, F. (2018). Practitioner research in Swedish teacher education.
- Johansson, R. (2018). Perspektiv och historiska linjer i lokalhistoria.
- Johansson, R. & Olausson, L. (2018). Malmö högskola bli till.
- Larsson, M. & Pelger, S. (2018). The teaching portfolio – a way to advance towards SoTL.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?., Geertsema, J. & Larsson, M. (2018). Teaching academies in research-intensive universities: How are learning cultures and SOTL strengthened?.
- Ljungqvist, M. (2018). Hur beskriver lärare utveckling av undervisning med digitala verktyg? En fallstudie.
- Ljungqvist, M. (2018). Utmaningar med förändringsarbete kring blended learning. Kan kollegialt samarbete vara en lösning?. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : proceedings från Lunds Universitets Pedagogiska Utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 100-105). Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling, Lunds universitet.
- Ljungqvist, M. & Hedberg, M. (2018). “Att göra en produkt som sen ska leva sitt eget liv” : Lärares upplevelser av att utveckla en öppen nätkurs. I Maurits, A. & Mårtensson, K. (Red.) Pedagogiska dilemman : proceedings från Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2016 (pp. 143-154). Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna, Lunds universitet.
- Loughlin, C. (2018). The impact of lecture recordings on he student approaches to learning. I Andreatos, A., Sgouropoulou, C. & Ntalianis, K. (Red.) Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2018 (pp. 658-662), 2018. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
- Moore, J., Mårtensson, K., Roxå, T., Little, D., Felten, P., Sutherland, K., Green, D. & Marquis, B. (2018). What Encourages Academic Staff to Engage in Systematic, Sustained Change in Teaching Practices?.
- Mårtensson, K. & Roxå, T. (2018). Collegiality as a foundation for a learning culture?.
- Mårtensson, K., Larsson, M., Ahlberg, A. & Holst, O. (2018). How is teaching, supervision and SoTL evaluated in reviews of professors’ educational qualifications?.
- Pelger, S. & Santesson, S. (2018). Reflective writing in the curriculum : Opportunities and pedagogical challenges.
- Petroelje Stolle, E., Frambaugh-Kritzer, C., Freese, A. & Persson, A. (2018). What makes a critical friend?. I Garbett, D. & Ovens, A. (Red.) Pushing boundaries and crossing borders : Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy (pp. 147-154). Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) - a special interest group of AERA.
- Sonesson, A. (2018). SIG: Forskarutbildning i förändring.
- Sonesson, A. & Brodin, E. (2018). Hur kan vi stärka svensk forskning om högre utbildning? Underlag till paneldebatt.
- Stolle, E. P., Malmström, M. & Blennow, K. (2018). Crossing borders and pushing boundaries : Positioning, emotions, and liminality in teacher education. I Garbett, D. & Ovens, A. (Red.) Pushing boundaries and crossing borders : Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy (pp. 99-105). Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP).
- Sæther, E. (2018). Confluence: results from recent music education collaborations between Nordic countries and Nepal : Glocality, habitus crises and interculturally competent music teachers.
- Sæther, E. (2018). Expanding professionalism through social innovations: Towards wider participation in and through music schools in France, Sweden and Finland. : Music and Art schools in habitus crises: Breaking the taken for granteds within the praxis of El Sistema.
- Sæther, E. (2018). Glocality, habitus crises, and interculturally competent music teachers. : Contribution to the confluence symposium.
- Sæther, E. (2018). Music and Art schools in habitus crises: Breaking the taken for granteds within the praxis of El Sistema : Contribution to the symposium "Expanding professionalism through social innovations: Towards wider participation in and through music schools in France, Sweden and Finland.
- Sæther, E. (2018). Music education in times of trouble.
- Sæther, E. (2018). Spelmanslag för integration – svensk folkmusik, El Sistema och ”kulturell allemansrätt".
- Sæther, E. & Di Lorenzo Tillborg, A. (2018). Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe: Authorship in a State-Sponsored International Network : Reflections on research collaborations: A call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability, and democracy.
- Sæther, E. & Di Lorenzo Tillborg, A. (2018). Reflections on research collaborations: A call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability, and democracy. : Contribution to the symposium on the Nordic Network NNME.