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Konferensbidrag (sida 2 av 15)
- Tullberg, M. & Sæther, E. (2022). Tradition, Identity and Learning Learning Swedish Folk Music : A study on communities of musical practice.
- Blennow, K., Malmström, M. & Bosseldal, I. (2021). Visions and Resistance : The Establishment of a New School in a Marketized Educational Landscape.
- Brodin, E., Bergqvist Rydén, J., Ljungqvist, M. & Sonesson, A. (2021). Bilder av lärare i akademin år 1950 och 1980 : Deras historiska kontext, diskurser och ideologier.
- Brodin, E., Sonesson, A. & Lindberg-Sand, ?. (2021). Forskning om svensk forskarutbildning : Hittills och härnäst?.
- Ljungqvist, M. & Sonesson, A. (2021). En digitaliserad högre utbildning för vilka syften? : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk digitaliseringspolicy.
- Elmgren, M., Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2020). Public, secret, and symbolic? The evaluation practices of examination committees in doctoral education.
- Ahlberg, A. & Sonesson, A. (2019). Courses for doctoral supervisors – an arena for learning and development (keynote presentation, abstract).
- Bengtsen, S., Sonesson, A. & Ahlberg, A. (2019). The Nordic doctorate at a crossroads between Bildung, schoolification and projectification.
- Brodin, E. & Avery, H. (2019). Navigating in multidisciplinary learning environments at doctoral level and beyond for addressing global challenges.
- Hamnell -Pamment, Y. (2019). Instructing secondary school students in 'triplet' concept mapping for chemistry. I Levrini, O. & Tasquier, G. (Red.) Alma mater studiorum, Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference : The Beauty and Pleasure of Understanding: Engaging With Contemporary Challenges Through Science Education (pp. 111-120). University of Bologna.
- Sandahl, J., Dessen Jankell, L. & Örbring, D. (2019). Powerful Geographical Knowledge and Geographical Thinking Concepts : Lessons from History Education.
- Schmitt, I. (2019). Understanding cis-normativity in higher education classrooms.
- Silander, C. & Brodin, E. (2019). Patterns of gender and ethnicity in Swedish and South African policies on doctoral education.
- Sonesson, A., Lindberg-Sand, ?., Elmgren, M. & Forsberg, E. (2019). Evaluation practice of examination committees in doctoral education.
- Sæther, E. (2019). Identity, voice, and agency : Perspectives on glocalizing El Sistema in Malmö.
- Sæther, E. & Tullberg, M. (2019). Boundary crossing pedagogy in Swedish folk music tradition : Communities of practice with implications for higher music education.
- Sæther, E. & Tullberg, M. (2019). Rethinking Communities of Practice in Traditional Music.
- Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (2018). Förord. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : proceedings från Lunds Universitets Pedagogiska Utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 6-11). Lund University.
- Bernmalm, E. (2018). Inclusion and diversity: Conflicting questions in education?.
- Blennow, K., Neuhaus, S. & McIntyre, J. (2018). A Comparison of Refugee Education Policy and Practice in England and Sweden: Participatory Parity in Schooling and Moves Towards Ordinariness.
- Brodin, E., Bergqvist Rydén, J., Larsson, M., Lindberg-Sand, ?., Ljungqvist, M. & Sonesson, A. (2018). A critical perspective on historical images of teaching in Swedish academia.
- Brodin, E., Silander, C., Lindberg, L., Frick, B. L. & McKenna, S. (2018). Issues on innovation, societal collaboration, and gender in doctoral education: Their appearances and relationships in Sweden and South Africa.
- Brodin, E., Silander, C., Lindberg, L., Frick, L. B. & McKenna, S. (2018). Innovation, collaboration, and gender in national policies and guidelines on doctoral education: Shapes from Sweden and South Africa in the 21st century.
- Delerue, N., Biagini, M., Bründerman, E., Briantais, E., Burrows, P., Burt, G., Cazin D'Honincthu, H., Cianchi, A., Darve, C., Dmitriyeva, V., Faus-Golfe, A., Kapenieks, A., Kvissberg, J., Lebrun, P., Mathevet, G., Metral, E., Müller, A. S., Pape Møller, S., Polozov, S., Rinolfi, L., Rutambharai, Y., Schmickler, H., Simonsso, A., Toes, J., Torims, T. & Vaccaro, V. G. (2018). A Massive Open Online Course on Particle Accelerators. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1067. IOP Publishing.
- Frick, L. & Brodin, E. (2018). Conditions for doctoral creativity : Envisioning paths for future academics and universities.