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Konferensbidrag (sida 13 av 15)
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2007). Researching assessment – in the dividing line between tests and assignments, formal rules and regulations and the individual student’s examination process.
- Olsson, T. & Lindberg-Sand, ?. (2007). Examination Processes in Higher Education. [Publication information missing].
- Olsson, T., Roxå, T., Andersson, R., Ahlberg, A., Alveteg, M. & Mårtensson, K. (2007). What is the Appropriate Level of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning? – An Integrated Program for Academic Development. [Publication information missing].
- Persson, A. (2007). Från barnplågare till trivselinrättning till...? Om spänningen mellan välfärd och välbefinnande i skolan. Välbefinnande. Dokumentation och sammanfattningar av anföranden. Högskolan i Halmstad.
- Roxå, T., Olsson, T. & Mårtensson, K. (2007). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a strategy for institutional change. [Host publication title missing]. The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA).
- Roxå, T., Olsson, T. & Mårtensson, K. (2007). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a Strategy for Institutional Change. [Publication information missing].
- Roxå, T., Olsson, T. & Mårtensson, K. (2007). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a strategy for institutional change. [Publication information missing].
- Sonesson, A. (2007). Högskolepedagogisk utbildning: utveckling & samsyn.
- Sponberg, H., Onstein, E., Johansen, F. J., Ossiannilsson, E., Pilesjö, P. & Mårtensson, U. (2007). Learning GIS over the Internet. [Host publication title missing]. EADTU.
- Ahlberg, A. (2006). Different worlds in the same faculty; the backdrop of strategic educational development. ICED conference volume. International concortium for Educational Development.
- Ahlberg, A. & Mårtensson, K. (2006). Teaching and learning beyond constructive alignment. ICED Conference Volume Sheffield. International Concortium of Educational Development.
- Ahlberg, A. & Pelger, S. (2006). Forskningens betydelse för undervisningen – ett diskussionsunderlag. [Host publication title missing]. Lunds Tekniska Högskola.
- Ahlberg, A. & Pelger, S. (2006). Forskningens betydelse för undervisningen: ett diskussionsunderlag. LTHs 4:e Pedagogiska inspirationskonferens. LTH, Lund University.
- Andersson, K. (2006). Learner abilities and learning activities.
- Larsson, M. & Svensson, M. (2006). Tools for thinking together: How collaborate use of representational tools help students gain insight about system dynamics.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2006). Sustainability and survival – analysing examination processes as conditions for students’ and teachers’ work in higher education. I Rust, C. (Red.) Improving Student Learning through Assessment (pp. 156-170). The Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2006). Sustainable Assessment in Engineering Education – critical features of the examination process. I Löfgren, K., Henriksson, W. & Wikström, C. (Red.) ECTS and Assessment in Higher Education – Conference Proceedings (pp. 72-80). Department of Educational Measurement, Umeå University.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2006). Sustainable Assessment in Engineering Education – critical features of the examination process.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2006). Sustainable Assessment in Engineering Education – critical features of the examination process. [Host publication title missing]. Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH).
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Olsson, T. (2006). Towards Sustainable Assessment in Engineering Education – Critical Features of the Examination Process. [Publication information missing].
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2006). Compulsory higher education teacher training in Sweden; Development of a national standards framework.
- Lindberg-Sand, ?. & Sonesson, A. (2006). Development of Compulsory Higher Education Teacher Training – An endeavour included in the second cycle of the Bologna process or as informal in-door staff development or both? The case of Sweden in comparison with other Nordic countries.
- Mårtensson, K., Olsson, T. & Roxå, T. (2006). Scholarly Dialogues and Significant Networks - the Cradle of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). [Publication information missing].
- Mårtensson, K., Olsson, T. & Roxå, T. (2006). Scholarly Dialogues and Significant Networks for Educational Development. I Fanghanel, J. & Digby, W. (Red.) International Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Proceedings 2005 and 2006 (pp. 235-239). Centre for Educational and Academical Practices, City University, London.
- Mårtensson, U., Pilesjö, P., Larson, L. & Antman, L. (2006). Leonardo E-GIS project and the Lund University LUMA-GIS Master’s Program, 2002-2005: Development and Implementation.