The graduate school SPETS (Studies on Professional Education and Training for Society) is an arena for studies of academic professional education, professional degrees, and professional knowledge.
This includes studies of programmes leading to professional degrees (such as teacher education, nursing education, engineering, etc) as well programmes that are not formally defined as professional but for all intents and purposes are required for particular professional practices, for example in the fine, applied and performing arts. In the latter category we also include doctoral education, as it is required for (most) academic positions and serves as an induction to a discipline and/or research field, which is the academic equivalent of a professional field.
The overall objective of SPETS is for professional education to become a vivid, interdisciplinary field of educational research in Sweden, and to ensure the long-term provision of relevant research-based knowledge and competence for the development of professional education

The graduate school SPETS is organised on top of the regular system for doctoral education at the Department for Educational Sciences at Lund University (host), the Department of Educational Work at University of Borås, and the Department of Communication and Learning in Science at Chalmers University of Technology. The graduate school is coordinated by a steering group with one representative from each of the university’s research environments. This steering group has the overall responsibility to coordinate the organisation and administration as well as the joint SPETS activities, including study follow-up, work allocation for supervisors, examiners, coursework and collaborative, social and networking activities
SPETS links the overlapping and complementary research environments of Lund University, University of Borås and Chalmers University of Technology, and strives to utilise the full potential of the collaboration between the three universities. Doctoral students are physically placed at the department of their employment, and SPETS-specific courses, seminars, meetings and other activities are rotating between the institutions.
SPETS students at Lund University and University Borås, respectively, follow the syllabus of Educational Sciences at Lund University, which can be found here.
Doctoral students at Chalmers University of Technology follow the syllabus of Communication and Learning in STEM at Chalmers, which can be found here.
Each student will also have an individual study plan that will coordinated by the steering group with approval and formal follow-up from the educational leadership at Lund and Chalmers respectively.
Within SPETS we organise several parallel activities. Courses are open for all doctoral students in Sweden.
Autumn 2022
- Annual SPETS-conference, 8-9 December, lunch-to-lunch (supervisors to meet already 10.30 on the 8th). Program and details are here.
Spring 2023
- Course: Vocations in the Knowledge Society (7,5 credits). Starts 17 January. Other course days are 7 February, 22 February, and 7 March. Syllabus is found here and more information and registration is found here.
- Course: Professional Education, Practice and Praxis (7.5 credits). Starts 5 April. Other course days are 19 April, 3 May, 17 May, and 7 June. Syllabus is found here and more information and registration is found here.
To be updated
To be updated
To be updated

Anders Sonesson (national coordinator), Lund University, Department for Educational Sciences/Division for Higher Education Development (AHU): anders.sonesson@ahu.lu.se

Hans Malmström, Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Communication and Learning in Science: mahans@chalmers.se

Petra Angervall, University of Borås, the Department of Educational Work: petra.angervall@hb.se