
Professor Emeritus, Supervisor
- Educational Sciences
- Department of Educational Sciences
Contact information
E-mail roger.johanssonuvet.luse
Mobile +46 70 965 53 80
Visiting address
Instrumentmakaregränden 1, MNO-huset, Lund
Postal address
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 11
In the Research Portal you can search and find information about all active researchers, units, publications, projects, infrastructures, and more, to get an overview of Lund University research.
My profile in Lund University research portalI am born in Malmö and have been a history and religion subject teacher atHagalidskolan in Staffanstorp. In the autumn of 1993, I was employed at Teachereducation, Lund university, and defended the thesis The struggle for history– Ådalen 1931. I have, among other things, been a co-author of the Nationalevaluation of history for grade 9, as well as the anthology Scientificperspectives on learning, teaching, and education in various institutionalcontexts – education science research at Lund University. I am published inEnglish, Spanish, Arabic and French. For two years I was a visiting Professorat Michigan State University, USA, and over the years have also conductedresearch in Greenland and England.
In 2010 I was appointed professor of history with a didactic focus at MalmöUniversity and in March 2011 professor of Education at Lund University.
Since 2022, I am research leader for the graduate school: Research oncollaboration in teacher education (ROCIT).

Professor Emeritus, Supervisor
- Educational Sciences
- Department of Educational Sciences
Contact information
E-mail roger.johanssonuvet.luse
Mobile +46 70 965 53 80
Visiting address
Instrumentmakaregränden 1, MNO-huset, Lund
Postal address
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 11