
Associate Senior Lecturer, Supervisor
- Educational Sciences
- Department of Educational Sciences
Contact information
E-mail katarina.blennowuvet.luse
Visiting address
Instrumentmakaregränden 1, MNO-huset, Lund
Postal address
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 11
I am a researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences at Lund University, Sweden. My research interests are emotions in education, the teaching and learning of Social Science, school cultures, teacher professionalism and ethnography.
My most significant research outputs regard what emotions do in Social Science teaching and what the school-subject Social Science (samhällskunskap) does to emotions. In 2019 I defended my doctoral thesis The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching.
I am also working in two larger research projects: The internationally comparative project Schools towards Ordinary Life, which concerns schools’ reception of newly arrived students in England and Sweden and Visions and resistance. School cultures and relations in a newly established upper-secondary school, which investigates the relational processes set in motion at the establishment of a new, strongly profiled municipal upper secondary school.
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My profile in Lund University research portal
Associate Senior Lecturer, Supervisor
- Educational Sciences
- Department of Educational Sciences
Contact information
E-mail katarina.blennowuvet.luse
Visiting address
Instrumentmakaregränden 1, MNO-huset, Lund
Postal address
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 11