Graduation ceremony for teacher students
This spring some of our teacher students will graduate from Lund University. It will be celebrated with a graduation ceremony on June 2, 2023.
Apply for the autumn training in teaching and learning in higher education courses
Do you teach at Lund University and want to further develop your teaching? Applications for the autumn training in teaching and learning in higher education are now open. The registration deadline is…
Professor Roger Johansson in Skånska Dagbladet
The statue of Zlatan Ibrahimovic in Malmö statue has been completely renovated after being vandalized several times, but will not be put up again for several years. Professor Roger Johansson has…
Top downloaded article in British Educational Research Journal
Theorising policy and practice in refugee education: Conceptualising 'safety', 'belonging', 'success' and 'participatory parity' in England and Sweden by Sinikka Neuhaus and Joanna McIntyre is one of…
Closing seminar for Jonatan Nästesjö
On May 24, at 13:15 Jonatan Nästesjö has his closing seminar in educational science. The seminar takes place in the LUX building at Lund University, room C214.
Participate in new workshops on Team Based Learning
Would you like to prepare yourself for the active learning classroom? Now you have the chance to participate in MedCuls new workshops with Larry Michaelsen - the creator of TBL, Team-Based Learning!
Why the Zlatan statue will not be resurrected by Easter - Professor Roger Johansson at Lund University explains
The renovation of the Zlatan statue is completed, after being vandalized several times. But according to Malmös municipal council, it will not be erected again for several years. The reason being…
Do you want to know more about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool ChatGPT and how it might affect examinations and assessments at Lund University?
On Friday 20 January, 13:00-15:00 your can take part in this webinar on zoom. This introductory webinar will explain what the system does, what the possible challenges are, and most importantly some…
Seminar “Sustainable Teachers” about working sustainably as teaching staff
That all students should learn about sustainability at some point during their education is something the Swedish Council for Higher Education has decided. But how can lecturers include sustainability…
The schools effort to include students with physical disabilities in the classroom, makes the students themselves feel excluded. Emil Bernmalm has completed his dissertation with the thesis…
Emil Bernmalm defends his dissertation
Den 21 oktober kl. 13:15 disputerar Emil Bernmalm i utbildningsvetenskap. Disputationen äger rum i SOL Hörsal.
Introduction week for new subject teacher students
Between August 23 – 26 2022, all newly admitted subject teacher students are welcome to our introduction days in Lund!
Digitalization of education: Premises, promises and consequences
Starting on 28 May, the Department of Higher Education, AHU, offers a series of seminars on the theme Digitization of education: Premises, promises and consequences.
Researcher: Time to Try Later School Start Times
Research shows that both students' health and academic performance could improve with later school start times. Education researcher Hans Teke believes it's high time for a proper trial in Sweden. “We…