![[Translate to English:] HT Pedagogisk konferens 2025](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/4/csm_HT_ped_konferens_2025_SV_98f0507c91.png)
Pedagogical Inspiration Conference at the HT-faculties 13 November 2025
Teaching Today and Tomorrow: Exploring Connections, Methods, and Possibilities
![[Translate to English:] The defence](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/5/csm_CL_disputation_2_f8bb8105c3.jpg)
Collin Loughlin has defended his PhD-thesis The Unintentional Lecture
On Friday 21 February Colin Loughlin defended his thesis 'The Unintentional lecture - The place of large-class teaching in contemporary higher education'.
![[Translate to English:] Sanne Johanson välkomnar sina elever in i klassrummet](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/c/csm_sannejohansonKPU_fd3e85ff2c.jpeg)
Our former student Sanne Johansson in Sydsvenskan
"Sanne earned her doctorate – returned to middle school" is the headline of the Sydsvenskan feature on Sanne Johansson. Originally a biologist with a PhD on wood-decaying fungi, she discovered a…
![[Translate to English:] Porträttfoto av Mona Holmqvist](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/e/csm_mona_portratt_d436e818e7.jpg)
The inclusion breakdown: "It’s time to rethink"
Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest proportion of students in the same classroom, regardless of skill level. At the same time, many students finish primary school without…
![[Translate to English:] Porträttfoto av Mona Holmqvist](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/d/csm_mona_holmqvist_896e9e4e22.jpeg)
Strong criticism of inclusion: "Students have different needs"
An increasing number of researchers question whether the focus on physical inclusion in regular classrooms benefits students with autism and ADHD, who often struggle with sensory sensitivity and…
![[Translate to English:] Porträttmontage av Jonatan Nästesjö och turkort i kortspel](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/1/csm_Curie-Portrattmontage__Jonatan_Nastesjo__turkort2_31b5582726.jpg)
Jonatan Nästesjö: What does luck really mean in academia?
Researchers’ talk about luck contradicts the view that success is purely a result of achievement. Jonatan Nästesjö writes about the role that luck plays in academia.
![[Translate to English:] Bokens omslag](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/7/csm_Bok__specialdidaktik_487296291a.png)
Book launch invitation – October 8th at Lund University
We are excited to invite you to the launch of the new book Specialdidaktik för innehållsinkluderande undervisning(Special Didactics for Content-Inclusive Teaching), which will take place on Tuesday,…
![[Translate to English:] Person med anteckningar](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/9/csm_st-ochsydstasienstudier_25__6e74213aa3.jpeg)
New Course: Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education
This spring the Division for Higher Education will run a brand-new professional development course for teaching staff: "Rethinking Assessment." This course, running from March 17 to May 26, 2025, is…
![[Translate to English:] Porträttmontage med Jonatan Nästesjö och ett anteckningsblock](/fileadmin/_processed_/f/f/csm_Curie-Portrattmontage__Jonatan_Nastesjo__anteckningsbok_150609928e.jpg)
Jonatan Nästesjö: Who in the world can young researchers trust?
How do young researchers learn what constitutes quality in scientific publishing or what pays off in an academic career? Jonatan Nästesjö writes about how researchers are socialized into academia.
![[Translate to English:] Deltagare i seminarium](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/b/csm_SeminarieserieHT24_0e5458cb26.jpg)
Discover This Fall's Seminars in Educational Science
Are you a university lecturer, teacher, student teacher, or researcher in educational science? Or just generally interested in school issues and higher education? You are warmly welcome to this fall’s…
![[Translate to English:] Diplom](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/d/csm_DiplomceremoniEHL_a157becdf9.jpg)
Department of Educational Sciences Expands Teacher Education Programs
Starting in the fall of 2024, we will offer admission to the supplementary teacher education program in social studies, business administration, and law. In the fall of 2025, you can also apply for…
![[Translate to English:] Studenter på avslutningshögtid](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/6/csm_2024_AvslutningAvslutning_2024561A1818_c8f83e52f7.jpeg)
Graduation ceremony 2024
We are happy to announce that our students from the teacher education program that started in the fall of 2019 and those who completed the supplementary teacher education program from spring 2023 have…
![[Translate to English:] Mona Holmqvist, professor i utbildningsvetenskap](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/6/csm_UR_Mona2_656bfb3db5.png)
Lecture: The Student's Role in School in a Historical Perspective
Which groups of students are favored or disadvantaged by the current school system? And how has the student's role in school changed over time? Professor Mona Holmqvist explores these questions in a…
![[Translate to English:] Montage från curie](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/0/csm_Curie-Portrattmontage__Jonatan_Nastesjo_.mattbandjpg_0ea1771b03.jpg)
Jonatan Nästesjö: My best tip for PhD students – read bad texts!
It’s not easy being a beginner in academia. Jonatan Nästesjö shares his best tips for helping PhD students build confidence.
![[Translate to English:] Porträttmontage från Curie.](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/4/csm_Curie-Portrattmontage__Jonatan_Nastesjo__klattring_b46b8d6fad.jpg)
Jonatan Nästesjö: What I didn’t know as a new PhD student
A doctoral program isn’t a solo project. Most researchers are happy to help others, and this forms a solid foundation for lasting relationships in academia, writes Jonatan Nästesjö.
![[Translate to English:] Porträtt av Jonatan Nästesjö](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/8/csm_jonatan_naestesjoe_95f5790ede.jpg)
Jonathan Nästesjö, New Columnist for Curie
This spring, Jonathan Nästesjö defended his dissertation titled "Uncertainty, Worth, Identity: How Early Career Academics Navigate Evaluative Landscapes" at the Department of Education Sciences. He is…
![[Translate to English:] Student](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/e/csm_student_85bcb644d4.png)
Application to the subject teacher education program is open!
Do you want to delve into your favorite subjects and learn how to teach them? Apply to the subject teacher education program this autumn! Register by April 15th, at antagning.se
![[Translate to English:] Student som skriver](/fileadmin/_processed_/6/f/csm_LUCSUS_8__4c4196408b.jpg)
Further Develop as a Teacher!
Do you want to enhance your creative writing by portraying the world of education? Or expand your understanding of learning situations related to the symptoms that characterize learning in individuals…
![[Translate to English:] Helena Hörvin Billsten och Helena Berglund](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/c/csm_IMG_3976_80fa44e917.jpg)
Department of Educational Sciences at NERA 2024
From March 6th to 8th, 2024, the Nordic Educational Research Conference, NERA, took place in Malmö. This year's theme was "Adventures of Education: Desires, Encounters and Differences," and many of…
![[Translate to English:] Maria Gedoz Tieppo](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/8/csm_Maria_cf6175e5cd.jpeg)
Maria Gedoz Tieppo Highlights Belonging in Physics on International Women's Day
On March 8, 2024, Lund University commemorated International Women's Day with a series of lectures under the theme '150 years of Women in Academia – Pioneers, Role Models, Challenges'. Among the…