Department of Educational Sciences
Sinikka Neuhaus, Head of Department
+46 46 222 69 55
Anders Sonesson, Assistant Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department
Caroline Cabot, Communication Officer
Annika Diehl, Health and Safety Representative
+46 46 222 39 00
Administration Educational Sciences
Maryam Asgarian, Finance Officer
+46 46 222 69 51
Emil Bernmalm, Director of Studies
Kim Borg, Academic Advisor
Caroline Cabot, Communication Officer, Web Manager
Gisela Ferré Aramburu, Department Administrator, Directory Administrator
+46 46 222 69 58
Armend Gashi, Finance Officer
+46 46 222 69 57
Ellen Giljam, Administrative Coordinator
Karin Hjalmarsson, Programme Coordinator
Elin Klint, Academic Advisor
+46 46 222 69 04
Lotta Olsson, Academic Advisor
+46 46 222 69 49
Administration Upper Secondary Teacher Education
Helena Berglund, Assistant Head of Education
+46 46 222 69 52
Karin Hjalmarsson, Programme Coordinator
+46 46 222 69 46
Helena Hörvin Billsten, Programmes Director
+46 46 222 77 18
Sinikka Neuhaus, Programmes Director
+46 46 222 69 55
Suzana Ristic, Study Administrator
+46 46 222 69 53
Ulla Urde, Language Teaching Expert
Division for Higher Education Development
Sara Andersson, Teaching Staff
Johanna Bergqvist Rydén, Lecturer
+46 46 222 39 21
Eva Brodin, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 39 10
Steven Curtis, Lecturer
Annika Diehl, Education Coordinator, Directory Administrator
+46 46 222 39 00
Ellen Giljam, Administrative Coordinator
Sara Håkansson, Senior Lecturer
Maria Larsson, Senior Lecturer
Åsa Lindberg-Sand, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
Marita Ljungqvist, Senior Lecturer
Katarina Mårtensson, Professor
+46 46 222 43 41
Anders Sonesson, Office Director, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 19 95
Karin Steen, Senior Lecturer
Peter Svensson, Senior Lecturer
Educational Sciences
Manuel Ahlqvist, Doctoral Student
Sara Andersson, Doctoral Student
John Berg, Senior Lecturer
Emil Bernmalm, Lecturer
Katarina Blennow, Associate Senior Lecturer, Supervisor
Ingrid Bosseldal, Senior Lecturer, Supervisor
Eva Brodin, Supervisor
Caroline Cabot, Communication Officer
Maria Gedoz Tieppo, Doctoral Student
Tina Gunnarsson, Doctoral Student
Lee Hildebrand, Doctoral Student
Mona Holmqvist, Professor, Director of Studies, Supervisor
+46 46 222 82 86
Roger Johansson, Professor Emeritus, Supervisor
Linnea Khodiar, Doctoral Student
Åsa Lindberg-Sand, Supervisor
Marita Ljungqvist, Supervisor
Colin Loughlin, Doctoral Student
Bodil Merkel, Doctoral Student
Katarina Mårtensson, Professor, Supervisor
Jonatan Nästesjö, Doctoral Student
Anders Persson, Professor Emeritus
+46 46 222 69 48
Helén Persson, Associate Senior Lecturer, Supervisor
Elna Sivhed, Doctoral Student
Paul Strand, Senior Lecturer
Christian Thifors, Doctoral Student
Catarina Wästerlid, Doctoral Student, Project Assistant
Fatemeh Yazdani, Doctoral Student